The Mark43 Institute

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Where's the love?

I don't remember what radio station I was listening to, but the words that were spoken gave me a "eureka!" moment. The radio host was recalling a conversation he had with an assistant of a major late night comedy show. He asked the assistant what was the secret to having such a successful show. Her response was, "You have to love the audience." I have zero aspirations to enter into the world of comedy, although I find myself to be very amusing. So her statement didn't encourage me to be a better comedian, it hit me in the area of evangelizing the gospel; whether its preaching, teaching, or personal evangelism. I find in myself such a love for preaching and all things Biblical that I am eager to preach or teach whenever the opportunity presents itself. The sad part is, I don't love the "audience" as much. Of course there is a modicum of love, but I feel it is deficient; especially when compared to my love for the Scripture. I wonder what Jesus felt like when he looked on the people and was moved with compassion? Whatever the feeling was, I need it in my life in an ever increasing measure. I have been doing so much studying, and there is so much I would like to share with people that given the opportunity I end up dumping information on them. But preaching is supposed to have a different purpose than just unloading doctrine; in fact, all evangelism should have a different purpose. I like the Methodist quote, "Offer them Christ;" but Christ cannot truly be offered unless he is offered in love. So my prayers have changed a wee bit. I have begun praying for a heart that loves people; I want that love to be the root that all my evangelistic efforts come from. Only the Holy Spirit can love people the way we ought to, so it's time for me to let the Spirit have full reign. So, another lesson that I needed to learn came at just the right time. Thank God for the lessons he teaches.