The Mark43 Institute

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A while ago I deleted my FaceBook account and since then I've used twitter a lot more. Now I don't post on twitter, but I often go there to find something to laugh at. The latest thing I have stumbled upon is called a humblebrag.

Humblebragging, according to Harris Wittels, is the art of false modesty. And when it happens it is hilarious. 
For example:
For example:
For example:
In all three examples the person is letting us know how great their life is, but they do so by cloaking it in humility. 
Isn't it great!? Now, when you hear a humblebrag you don't have to get pissed or jealous, just smile and whisper "#humblebrag."
By the way, today is my last day of winter vacation. It sucked having two weeks off with nothing to do while all my friends were at work. Oh well, such is life. 
Here are 50 of the funniest.