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Lenten Blogging: Day Four

Today's Question: "The Tooth Fairy (or Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus...): a fun and harmless fiction, or a pointless justification for lying to children?"

I've blogged about this previously, so most of this will be recycled thought.

I have 5 children who have lively and interesting imaginations. They know about the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, etc... But they know that all of these beloved characters are make believe, and they are absolutely fine with it. They still want to see Santa during Christmas, they still ask about the Easter Bunny. None of them said, in a fit of rage, "Oh hell dad! If they're not real I don't want to see them!" 

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why parents feel the need to tell their children that these make believe characters truly exist. 

I know that parents want the best for their children and want them to experience all the joys that this world can offer, but telling them Santa Claus is real is an unnecessary move, in my opinion. Have you ever listened to children talk? Their entire world is fun because it is imaginative; there imaginations allow for all things to exist without existing. Adults needn't mess them up by making them believe when they are fine with make believe.

Besides, have you ever seen how children behave when they see characters at Disney or Chuck-e-Cheese that they thought were make believe? I can only describe their reaction as "The New Fear."

Tell your kids the truth.

Read my other blog post to hear more concerning Jesus and Santa. 

Tomorrow's Question: "Who's the most important person in your life - and how would your day-to-day existence be different without them?"