The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Sixteen

Today's Question: "Do parties and crowds fill you with energy, or send you scurrying for peace and quiet?"

I have not been to a party per se since my days at the Ohio State University (who just got bounced out of the first round of March Madness... For shame.).  I really enjoyed going to parties then because life was so care free. Indeed, it's possible to even say that life was a party, of sorts. Some times it felt crowded, others times not. But it was always fun, even the boring parts. One day I'm going to write a book on the joys of going to Taco Bell and 7eleven at 2am just because your friend called and asked. Too travel in time for just a moment...


Back to the question. 

Today I have to say that I do not like large crowds. I tend to be people claustrophobic; and that is probably because I have kids. Not that I would take my kids to a grown up party, but my entire outlook on large groups of people changed once I had children. I view them now as opportunities to say "excuse me" and "my fault" a thousand times. I do not enjoy myself with large groups; especially over an extended period of time.

I still enjoy having a good time, but it has to be with a limited number of people, whether we know each other well or not. My rule of thumb is that the group cannot be so large that we cannot engage in one conversation, and it cannot be so small that two or three conversations happen at once. What size group is that? I don't know the exact number, I only know it when I feel the need to get some air.

Tomorrow's Question: What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?