The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Three

"You wake up tomorrow morning to find all your plans have been cancelled for the next seven days and $10,000 on your dresser. Tell us about your week."


I wonder if today's reflection was strategically placed to prove (or disprove) yesterday's question?

$10k is not a lot of money when you have a family of 7. So when I read the reflection for the day I wasn't excited to write about it. 

If I woke up, found 10 stacks on the dresser, and my schedule completely empty for 7 the next seven days, I would worry. After verifying that I hadn't been fired (and I'm not looking at my severance pay) and confirming that nothing illegal has happened, I would call the bank and pay off our van.

Exciting, right?


But that's what I'd do. Better to remove a monthly bill and have more money at the end of the month than to have a week of fun. Besides, for those of you who have ever cleared off a long standing bill, the feeling of euphoria is almost as good as being on the beach. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but I think you know what I mean.

After that I'd still have a week off work in which I could do whatever I wanted. And so I'd begin by going back to sleep.

If you happen to wake up and find $10k on your dresser you can hit me up. We can be friends. 

Tomorrow's Question: "The Tooth Fairy (or Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus...): a fun and harmless fiction, or a pointless justification for lying to children?