The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Thirty-Nine

Today's Post: How are you more likely to make an important decision - by reasoning through it or going with your gut?  

It depends on what is being decided upon. If it is dinner I usually go with my gut... Now that I think about it, this is probably why my gut grows, it's been given too much say-so...

I admire people who are always thoughtful and reasonable. There are people I know who often pause when asked even a simple question; then, having given legitimate consideration, they speak. I want to be more like that. I am more prone to speak quickly, but I am not a quick thinker.

My goal for the remainder of this lenten period is to slow down, even if it creates discomfort, and be reasonable.

Tomorrow's Post: You've inherited $5 million, with instructions that you must give it all away - but you can choose any organization you like to be the beneficiaries. Where does the money go?