The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Twenty-Eight

Today's Question: Do you feel like you "get" social media, or do you just use it because that's where all your friends and family are?

I understand social media, but I don't like it very much. In fact, I deleted my FaceBook account in November and have not missed it since. It's kind of fun to see someone for the first time in months and not know what happened every single day of their life. It gives you the opportunity to catch up instead of saying, "Hey bro, hit me up," while hoping they never actually do. 

To be honest, sometimes I wish the whole social media machine would be blown up so we could start from scratch. That way we can learn how to have face to face conversations again, and we could relearn how to have few friends, and how to show interest without the ubiquitous thumbs up. We could becoming reacquainted with the joys of being unknown and unseen.

Even this blog that I'm writing counts as social media; and who am I to have a blog? What have I to say? It's like a platform that has been given to me freely; a platform that those who came before me had to earn. Sometimes I think I need to delete this and work harder until someone asks me to say something, and not just type because I have something to say. In fact, that might be social media in a nutshell; it is an unearned platform that allows everyone to broadcast (or in many cases bloviate) whatever they think is important. 

I remember reading a theological argument on FaceBook. On one side was a trained theologian, on the other was a cool zealous famous guy. All the "likes" and "thumbs up" were given to the cool famous guy whose argument was so paper thin that I was surprised it didn't float into the wind. He was received for his fame, and his fame made him seem correct to the masses. Meanwhile the guy who knew what he was talking about, the guy who worked for years to understand theology, was dismissed. In the old days super famous guy wouldn't have had a social media leg to stand on, and the hard worker would have earned the right to speak. But here we are...

I feel a rant coming so I will stop.

Tomorrow's Question: Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a child. What became of it?