The Mark43 Institute

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Ivory Tower

Lately my interest in documentaries has grown exponentially. Watching them is like reading a book (sometimes a bad one) in less than two hours. At any rate, most of them are better than the mindless drivel that loiters on Netflix or Amazon Instant Video.

I would highly recommend watching Ivory Tower. It is a documentary about the education crisis in America (both financial and actual education). Whether you agree or disagree the premise of the video it will provoke thought, and a bit of concern.

I relate to many of the students in the documentary who didn't take learning seriously and, essentially, paid exorbitant amounts of money to make friends and have fun. Now I look at some of my friends and think, "I sure could use that $25,000!" No offense.

But—due to my Masters degree—I can also relate to those students who worked hard to actually learn what they were being taught, and am now hoping an EMP hits all the buildings that hold records of my loans.

Just kidding... ok I'm just kidding about just kidding. I wouldn't mind if it happened and nobody was injured.

Anyway, check out the video. It's pretty good.