The Mark43 Institute

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We sang a hymn at school the other day called, "Before the throne of God above." This hymn is a good example of why I am a strong advocate for singing hymns during worship. Not that contemporary songs are not proper for worship, because some are; but hymns like this are like sung sermons. In my opinion they help crystallize our theology, and they also teach us lessons that help to increase our theology while at the same time heaping glory upon God. For example, here are my two favorite stanza's from the hymn:

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Made an end of all my sin.

Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.
Look on Him and pardon me.

I don't know about you, but this is a helpful reminder for me. Since I am imperfect, and always prone to wander, this hymn comes to my mind quicker than scripture normally does. It teaches me that my salvation has already been purchased by Jesus. So when those moments of condemnation come I instinctively begin humming the tune to this hymn and I am reminded of how great God is.

Before coming to UTS I wasn't familiar with that many hymns, but attending worship services on Wednesday afternoon has introduced me to many hymns that are now near and dear to my heart. The hymns of old have a certain feel to them that lots of contemporary music lack. I am not certain what it is, but something is missing. I'm not even going to begin typing about how the type of music that is produced in mass quantities reveal what we feel about God. I guess I already started typing, so I'll just continue for a second. It seems to me that most of the "gospel" music released in our day is self serving, or just nice sounding. But it has no depths, or it is all about me and my feelings. Ok, I don't want to get to deep into this, because I'm certain there is someone out there that feels as strongly for contemporary music as I do the old hymns. Before I end though I want to list my favorite hymns... For this week lol.

Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart. By Fernando Ortega (Originally by Blind Lemon Jefferson.)

Come thou fount of every blessing.

Before the throne of God above. By Selah.