Work with Wisdom and work with wisdom.
Unless it is the LORD
who builds the house,
the builders’ work is pointless.
Unless it is the LORD
who protects the city,
the guard on duty is pointless. (Psalms 127:1 CEB)
My sisters and brothers:
While reading my devotions this week I came across the above passage and it has been stuck in my head ever since. It's a peculiar passage because it talks about doing double work, "Unless the Lord builds... the builder's work is pointless." Usually it is the prudent persons approach to avoid double work (nobody likes rewashing dishes, or recalculating figures) but this passage suggests that we should chase after it. That is, only if the initial work is performed by God.
We, as a church, are always at work. We never punch out and go home. Since we are always working it is crucial that we work with wisdom (God); and the wise work is the work that God (wisdom) has already begun.
To do this we must have our eyes and ears open for that divine sign which reads, "God at work" and slow down so as not to miss the opportunity to work with the Lord. This is the only way that we will experience success as a church. For there is a work that God is currently doing, and there is a work that we are doing, but is it the same work? It would be a pity to work so hard at something and then realize that God was working elsewhere.
So I am asking that in addition to your continuous prayers you would ask God to show you where it is that he is working. Then while you pray begin listening to the needs of the community; it may just be that we will locate the place workers are needed through someone that doesn't yet attend Gethsemane.
Again, we are always at work, and so is God. Let's endeavor to put our shovels where his shovel is; that way our work will be successful, because God does not fail... EVER!