The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Twenty-Five

Tomorrow's Question: Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day? What do you think life would be like?

(Note to self: Do not get in trouble with this post.) 

I like being a man. I have been one since I began watching Walker Texas Ranger starring Chuck Norris (I believe I was in 8th grade), and it has been a blast. I have never, EVER, at any point in my manly life wondered what it would be like to be a woman. If I was a woman I imagine, if I am permitted to generalize, that I'd be concerned about my appearance, and that I'd care what other women were wearing. I'd probably say things like, "whatever" and "cute (pronounced 'kyut')" a lot, and I'd say "awwww" whenever a small child did something. 

Just kidding. Really, I am just kidding!

If I was a woman I'd be more responsible, more concerned, more attentive, and just an overall better human being.

But I'm enjoying manliness way too much to dwell on this. Time to do some more squats, burpees, and chop down a tree in my flannel shirt.

Tomorrow's Question: You've been exiled to a private island, and your captors will only supply you with five foods. What do you pick?