The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Twenty

Today's Question: What activity, task, or game most brings out your competitive streak?

I don't have a specific activity that brings out my competitive streak, but when someone challenges me, or tells me I can't, it makes me try until I prevail. 
This can be something as simple as winning a game of solitaire, or as difficult as learning a new language. If I'm told I can't, then I will. 

This question makes me miss playing sports regularly. The football field or basketball court is a haven where "you can't" is heard regularly. It's all in good fun, and it gets the juices flowing.  I think it's healthy to get them flowing every now and again. 

Tomorrow's Question: What does your ideal community look like? How is it organized, and how is community life structured? What values does the community share?