The Mark43 Institute

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Lenten Blogging: Day Forty

Today's Post: You've inherited $5 million, with instructions that you must give it all away - but you can choose any organizations you would like to be the beneficiaries. Where does the money go?

First of all only 10% of the money will go to an organization; that is, whichever church I am a part of at that time. The rest of it would be given away personally.

I appreciate all these organizations that do good and necessary work from the donations they receive, but I do not like the fact that people are missing out on an opportunity to good good themselves. We miss out on the personal transformation when we always send a check, or drop the money in the bucket. It is far better to give your time and your money than just either/or.

I'm not sure who would get the money, but I do have a lot of dreams, and there are many people in need. It would certainly be a fun activity.

But I have a beef. Questions like this bother me. Without saying so the question suggests that one would need millions of dollars to help people, and until then we can just live for ourselves. The more interesting question is, "You have $5 that you must spend on others, what do you do?" This question brings it down to the place where life is lived. $5 million, for most of us, is a pipe dream; $5 is not. So how can I be helpful with what I have now? That is the question that I need to consider regularly.

Tomorrow's Post: Pause whatever you're doing, and ask the person nearest you what they're thinking about. Write a post about it.