The Mark43 Institute

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The Persecution of Weight Loss

Give me a break people!

Over the last few weeks I have run into a lot of people I hadn't seen in a few months. While I do enjoy reuniting with people I am getting sick and tired of the same old comments.

"How much weight have you lost?"

"Man, you're going to disappear!"

"I hardly recognized you! You look great!"

Just stop it people! I'm trying to go about my daily business like the rest of you. I don't need to be harassed by your judgements on how I look. Sure I've lost 40 pounds in the last couple of months, but I didn't do it so that you could harass me!

Sure, I have cut 2.5 minutes off my mile pace.

Yes I am able to run 6 miles straight when I struggled with 1 mile a few months ago.

But what is that to you?!

I'm already facing the misfortune of not having any clothes that fit. Do I have to suffer your verbal persecution too?

I am a person. It hurts!

Gimme a break!