The Mark43 Institute

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Tea and Taste Buds

I'm starting to think that my taste buds are lazy. I had the opportunity to go to a decent restaurant called J. Liu (good spicy chicken, by the way), and at the end of our meal my group ordered a bunch of different flavors of tea. Me, being an Englishman at heart, got lemon tea. (I actually don't know if Englishmen generally like that kind of tea.) When I tasted the tea it tasted like the regular Lipton bags to me. It smelled fantastic, but tasted the same. So I'm thinking that maybe I have to do some kind of wine tasting trick; but it didn't work. Everyone else was all, "This tea is amazing!" Meanwhile I'm wondering, "Is it the smell or the taste that they're talking about; do they know the trick and aren't sharing?" But they seemed legitimately excited about their tea, and they are honest people, as far as I know. So it got me wondering if my taste buds aren't giving 100%. I can taste sugary stuff and really hot stuff, and even in between stuff, but maybe not as fully as I thought. Maybe I've been going through life missing out on flavor. Is it possible that bacon really tastes as good as it smells and I've been deprived? How will I ever even know? Why am I even drinking lemon tea?