The Futility of Being a Sport's Fan
I am cursed with being a fan of the best teams. Most people think I am a bandwagon jumper, but that's not the case. My favorite teams are the Miami Hurricanes (college football), the Tarheels (college basketball), the Yankees, the Bengals, and The Los Angeles Lakers. Clearly these are teams that are known for winning, sans the Bengals, so at one point perhaps I did jump on a bandwagon, but I've been on it for a long time.
Anyway, I get really "involved" in my teams during a championship run. When they lose I get upset, but I'm over it soon enough. But when they win a championship, as the Lakers recently did, I get a type of "left behind" feeling. It's as if I went through all the hard work with them (even though I did nothing), and then when they win they go party without me. It reminds me of a time when me and some friends went out to eat in Southern California, when we arrived at the restaurant we saw that they had a strict dress code and you weren't allowed wearing shorts. Well out of the 5 of us present, 1 of us had on shorts⎯me. Now you would think the group would say, "Let's just go somewhere else," but they didn't, and I ended up grabbing fast food and waiting in the car.
Clearly you guys thing I'm crazy, but it's exactly how I felt when the Lakers went off to celebrate, and I went to sleep. By the time I wake up I am over it, but I still feel a little cheated; that doesn't keep me from stalking them when the next season begins. Besides, my only other options are to stop watching sports, or become a fan of losers, and who wants to be a Cleveland fan anyways.
Go Lakers
Go Canes
Go Bengals
Go Yanks
Go Heels