The Urgency of the Gospel

I love reading the book of Luke, there is a feel of urgency to it; especially chapter 13. I am one that firmly believes that you should believe "now," and not the "then." For "then" may never come. Anyway, this reminded me of an old fable that I heard long time ago, and I thought it'd be helpful to share.

There were three apprentice devils who were coming to Earth for their first assignment. They met with Satan who asked them what strategy they planned to follow: The first one said, “I will tell people that there is no God.” “That,” said Satan, “will not work because in their heart of hearts they know there is a God.”

“I will tell them,” said the second, “that there is no hell.” “That won’t work because there is so much evil on earth, they know there must be a hell.” Satan replied.

The third apprentice devil thought for a moment, and then he said, “I will tell them that there is no hurry.”

“Go,” said Satan, “tell them that and you will ruin them by the millions.”

I don't really have any words to add to this, but I hope it spurs you on like it does me.

My Opinion,
