While on the way to Jerusalem...
I have been reading through the book of Luke and I noticed that Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem for the majority of the book. This is something a simple student of the Bible would have picked up on immediately; but I don't pay attention, forgive me. The fact that he is on his way isn't primarily what struck me, it was the fact that as he is on his way to die he still stops to help people. "So, what's the big deal about that?" Well, think about your demeanor when you have an important deadline to meet. Think about how focused you get, and how many people you pass by without even acknowledging them. When I am preparing a sermon, or writing a paper, my wife tells me that I am a pain in the neck to deal with. What a contrast! Jesus is going to die, and be rejected by his Father, the same Father that he has been in triune fellowship with forever, and he stops to teach, heal, and cast out demons. We can do better.
With Shame,
God's Court Jester