4 Questions by John Wesley

I recently heard a sermon at my current church, Epiphany United Methodist Church, that dealt with the parable of the rich fool (Lk. 12:13-21). This popular text encourages us to use our lives and resources in a generous way that lines up with the Kingdom of Heaven's way of doing things. That is, not living a me-centered life, but a life that enriches those around me.
The sermon was powerful, but the part that resonated the most with me was a reference to one of John Wesley's sermon's titled The Use of Money. In it John Wesley provides 4 practical questions we can always ask ourselves to gauge how kingdom focused we are with our money.

"If, then, a doubt should at any time arise in your mind concerning what you are going to expend, either on yourself or any part of your family, you have an easy way to remove it. Calmly and seriously inquire, (1.) In expending this, am I acting according to my character? Am I acting herein, not as a proprietor, but as a steward of my Lord's goods? (2.) Am I doing this in obedience to his Word? In what Scripture does he require me so to do? (3.) Can I offer up this action, this expense, as a sacrifice to God through Jesus Christ? (4.) Have I reason to believe that for this very work I shall have a reward at the resurrection of the just?" You will seldom need anything more to remove any doubt which arises on this head; but by this four-fold consideration you will receive clear light as to the way wherein you should go."

If you are like me these questions cut straight to the point and force you to do some evaluating and ask some tough questions. I have actually printed these four questions and placed it in my wallet in front of all my bills. So when I am about to spend money the questions confront me. 

Now, of course, one can do this legalistically and thus destroy the spirit of it. But there is a life giving aspect to them, and if we approach this discipline with a modicum of humility and a longing for holiness, I believe we can become a transformed and generous people. A people who amass treasure in heaven by distributing our treasures on earth. 
money, WesleyComment