Brief Reflection: Jonah 3:1
I wonder how Jonah was feeling. The events of the last several days were horrific, to say the least. God called him to go and do some work, and Jonah not only said "No!" But in addition to his "No" he boarded a vessel and headed in the opposite direction. He was fleeing, bodily, from God. A storm happens during his flight and he is tossed overboard, swallowed by a big fish, and vomited back up. What kind of mental state was he in? He must've felt useless, good for nothing, worthless; he is literally lying on the beach covered in vomit, and more than likely feeling about as useful as a pile of throw up, and then we read this...
"Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time..." (Jonah 3:1 ESV)
Ever messed up big time? Ever willfully disobeyed God, or hurt someone you loved, or done something that left you feeling about as useful as a pile of vomit? When we feel like that the world tells us that we have to earn our way back, and we will. We will have to go through the steps of restoration and forgiveness, and maybe, hopefully, we can recover what was destroyed by our actions. This is just a natural process of reconciliation. But when it comes to God the story changes. The word of the Lord comes to us again. Not after a process of cleaning ourselves up; not after we have remade our image, not after we are good and ready to serve again. God's word comes to us while we are still in the pigs sty, as it were; while we still stink of vomit. God's word comes and calls us to return to the ways of God. Instant forgiveness, instant reconciliation, and amazing grace.
What an encouragement for Jonah. What an encouragement for us...
"Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time..."