Great News on Easter!!!

Jesus is alive!!!

Isn't that great news? Oh, the implications that accompany this news. What will this mean for the way we live, move, and have our being? This changes everything!
I wish. 
Nothing reveals America's great missing-the-point-of-the-resurrection than this stat.


2.26 billion dollars will be made off the purchase of peeps this year. 
2.26 billion. BILLION. B-I-L-L-I-O-N. 
This number doesn't even include other candies that will be consumed. 
Think about that for just one second. We come out of lent, a season in which people abstain from candy, only to go hard core and make up for it on the day we celebrate Christ rising from the dead. 
This is not a diatribe against peeps. It's just a reminder to celebrate appropriately. Our celebration should be appropriate to the event, right?
So, Christ is alive! Let the 2.26 number be attached to an act which befits Christ. Not personal consumption, for goodness sake. 
Easter, RandomnessComment