Lenten Blogging: Day Thirty-Five
Today's Question: For many of us, winter is blooming into spring, or fall hardening into winter. Which season do you most look forward to?
Well I skipped yesterday's blog; it was my birthday and these questions are increasing in lameness by the day (like today's).
I do not really look forward to season's as much as I do the transition between seasons. The 3-4 weeks it takes for winter to move out and spring to move in, and the similar transition that happens when summer makes room for autumn. Those weeks, in my opinion, are the best of the year.
I like them the most because so much is happening. In the former the earth is seemingly coming back to life. Every where you look flowers are growing, grass is turning green, birds are returning. But my favorite occurence is the first car ride when you can roll down your window and just cruise to some summer time tunes, and sing your heart out.
Summer to fall is the exact opposite; everything around appears to be getting ready for a long nap, but it happens gracefully. I think the trees look even better when the leaves begin browning and maintain a type of fiery look than when they are blooming in the spring. The bugs that annoyed me for months are meeting their doom, especially the mosquitos (this causes me great joy; indeed, when they bite me late in the year I remind them that their end is near). But the greatest moment is when the weather dips low enough for you to bring out your hoodie from the previous year. If you are like me it is a college hoodie that you wear while repping your favorite College football team (The U!).
So for me it is not the actual seasons, but the transitions into the next one, that I enjoy the most.
Tomorrow's Post: Go back to a blog post you always thought could be better, or were unsatisfied with - now, fix it.