Useless Rights

Media of all sorts are still discussing the atrocious act of violence directed towards Charlie Hebdo and his business. Many of the arguments land around the right to express yourself freely. We see the same thing in school shootings that happen here in America. Before the bodies are even buried people are up in arms defended their rights, discussing how guns are not the problem. 

One thing you scarcely ever hear discussed is the utter lack of responsibility and character displayed in such cases. Perhaps, in this situation, people are afraid to bring it up for fear that they will somehow be blaming the victim. 

Let's be clear, neither he nor his coworkers deserved what happened to them. Let us be equally clear in also stating that they acted with utter irresponsibility toward their neighbors when they carelessly took what many hold as sacred and used it as a source of contemptuous humor. 

The same is true of those who bear arms without possessing the character that befits a responsible person. 

We are so protective of our rights and freedom. They are our treasures, and rightly so. But when we neglect character and forsake responsibility we make trash out of treasure. Then freedom without character becomes bondage, and rights without responsibility become BREAKING NEWS.

God help us.