Receptacles of the Divine

My family took a trip to the Cincinnati Art Museum recently. I never thought I'd become the kind of person that appreciates art. You know the type; guy walking with his hands clasped behind his back, as if the posture itself suggests wisdom and sophistication. We all have our ways of taking in magnificence, I suppose.

There was one exhibit in particular that was so fascinating that I, even I!, took out my phone and took some pictures. If you know me, you know how strange this is. I simply don't do that. The only time I take pictures is when I need to remember a quote, or contact info; stuff like that. But the exhibit titled, "All The Flowers Are For Me," was worthy of several photos.


I didn't get a chance to see the exhibit without the light on, but I imagine the centerpiece is still pretty fascinating without it. We would still praise the artist for making such a beautiful work of art. In much the same way humanity is pretty fascinating without the light of God. I often marvel at what we are able to create from sheer human ingenuity. Some of my favorite authors, musicians, scientists, etc, are atheists, and they bring beauty into the world. And while they may not credit God for creating them to be creative, as he is, I certainly do.

But the light makes all the difference.

When you turn the light on not only does the beauty of the centerpiece increase, but it expands to include everything else in the room. The interior light made bland white walls and wooden flooring look absolutely stunning. All because of the light.

Human beings are meant to be that way. We were created to be receptacles of the divine, vessels through which the light of God pours into the world through our words and deeds. I think we catch glimpses of this every now and again. We saw it perfectly in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Through him we discovered exactly what God was like, and because of him the world will never be the same. So much goodness was brought into being through him, and all good things continue because of him.

I don't know about you, but I'd like to be such a person; a person that lives gloriously, because the Glorious One lives within me. God helping us, we all will become such people.

“The glory of God is the living man, and the life of man is the vision of God.”

— St. Iranaeus