Marathoning: What I Learned

This is a reflection on what I learned during the 6 month period when I trained for The Flying Pig marathon.

1. You have to see why running a marathon might be a good thing. 

Without this the chances of sticking with a training program are slim, particularly during the cold winter months. 

2. Mind must master body. 

Many people are unwittingly governed by their bodily desires, food, sex, sleep, you name it. When training for a marathon you (your mind) must take the seat as governor and dictate to your body how things will be. This is difficult, especially for those who have long been the slaves of their bodies. It is a monster to subdue, tame, but eventually you can make it an ally. But it's foolish to think you can conquer 26.2 miles while incapable of conquering pie and ice cream.  

3. Share your vision of running

This step was important for me, because several people who were running it (or had run previously) become a type of accountability group to me. They would check to see how training was going, and give small but helpful words of encouragement. 

4. You are training, not trying. 

Words are important. When aiming for a goal that causes us to go through a process of transformation, it is important that we understand the process as training, not trying. Training involves gradual steps that move you towards the goal. Training causes transformation over time. Trying involves tackling the goal, often unprepared; it is a sure way to fail. When I started cramping up around mile 18 I could say to myself, "This is what you trained for..." I knew my body could do what it was telling me it could not do. 

5. Don't go back 

Finally, there will be a great temptation to return to the pre-training person who was ruled by the body. Continue to live the new disciplined life you've acquired. It doesn't necessarily mean you run another marathon, it does mean that you keep your mind as governor. If your mind governors your body, and your mind is connected to that which is good and right, you will keep achieving things that you once thought were impossible. 

Thanks for reading. 
