Not another blogger!

I am new to this blogging thing; I know blogging has been around for quite awhile now but I never considered doing it. A professor (Dr. David Watson) from my current school (United Theological Seminary) asked me whether I'd be interested in creating one; at first I was a bit apprehensive about it but then it seemed like a good idea to me. Here's why I decided to create my own blog:

1. I need to improve my writing skills and I think this will help (I learn through repetition).
2. I think it is an excellent tool that will enable me to take a look back and reflect on my life.
3. It gives me a spot to vent, complain, explain, or get thoughts from my head onto "paper.".
4. It also gives me the chance to create dialogue with anyone that wants to respond to my foolishness.

So, I guess this is the beginning of a journey. A journey into my weird mind LOL. Enter with caution and a flashlight.
