Anti-Abortion is not Pro-Life
Here it is again, the season of political maneuvering and side taking. Unfortunately, for us, it seems like the time between these seasons is diminishing ever so quickly, but that's not what this is about. One of the central talking points during every recent presidential race has been that of abortion. Catholics and Protestants sit at the edge of their collective seats waiting eagerly to see whether their guy or girl will join their side by uttering the words, "I'm pro-life/pro-choice."
It occurred to me that the term pro-life has been wrongfully claimed by many, including me. To say that I am pro-life should be to make a positive statement; it should not be the same as saying I am for something, the same way we are pro-democrat or pro-republican. No, to say that one is pro-life means that their actions and behaviors prove their pro-lifeness, not just there held ideologies. Someone who is pro-life is not only so with their pen or their mind, but they are so with their lives. A pro-life person would not only plead with the mother contemplating abortion, they would also go as far as asking to adopt the child when delivered. Or they would agree to help raise the child by providing funds and availability for the life of the child. Or we could simply say this, the pro-life person is actively involved in the adoption of orphaned children (remember when the church led in this field?). These and many more are descriptions of a true pro-lifer.
What, then, does that make most of us who claim to be pro-life? At best we are simply anti-abortion, and that's not saying much. It's easy to be anti something because one can be anti without moving their feet or getting out of their seat. I am against corporate greed, I have yet to do anything about it. And let's be clear, standing outside of clinics and shouting people down is doing something, but it's a negative something, not a "pro" something.
So this season, and from now on, let's label ourselves correctly and be for something. I, for one, am ashamed that I have claimed to be pro-life for so long when I've really just been anti-abortion, but there is still time for me, and for you.
Pax vobiscum,
God's Court Jester