FWP: Freezing at the Redbox
I blogged earlier about how we should be grateful and not complain as much. That is true and I hold to it.
Now allow me to be a hypocrite for a moment.
Is it asking too much for the RedBox people to upgrade their machines so I don't have to pull my gloves off to rent a video?
It's been below zero the past few days. So cold that the only thing to do is watch movies at home. And many people, like myself, beat the cold by getting movies at a redbox machine.
But when you pull up and the wind is howling and you're all bundled up in your gloves, it's a total letdown to touch the screen and realize you'll have to pull your gloves off, risking frostbite, just to get a movie!
Really?! It's 2014! I shouldn't have to put my limbs at risk just to watch Captain Phillips. I'm not asking the thing to read my mind (even though, with the price increase, that's a legitimate expectation), but come on!
Ok. I'm done. Back to being grateful.