Lenten Blogging: Day Seven

Today's Question: "If you could have any author - living or dead - write your biography, who would you choose?" 

Last year I finally got around to starting AND finishing The Lord of the Ring's trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. The books are very long, but at no point during the read did I want to skip ahead (When I read Life of Pi I felt as if I was stranded at sea with him; it was a horrible time.). The main reason I like Tolkien is because he gets adventure, mission, and journey. You cannot turn a page without being reminded that the characters are heading somewhere, and that there is meaning in what they are doing. Even the seemingly detached moments are connected.


So if someone were to write my biography I would like it to be Tolkien. Not because my life is such a grand adventure that only he could capture, but I think he could pull out the earnest desire for adventure out of my life story. And in the end show how everything coalesced into this end (however that looks).

Tomorrow's Question: "You have the choice to erase one incident from your past, as though it never happened. What would would erase and why?" SHEESH, a bit personal, no?

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