Lenten Blogging: Day Ten

Today's thought: "Tell us about a time you did a 180 - changed your views on something, reversed a decision, or acted in a way you ordinarily don't."

I tend to be a very stubborn individual. Once my mind is made up it is made up. It usually takes an extremely logical response to convince me otherwise. So I typically don't change my views on a whim. There have been a few times it has happened while studying the bible, though.

A few weeks ago I was preparing a sermon on Matthew 5:38-48. While doing my preparatory work I was confronted with who the passage identified as an "enemy." Originally I thought an enemy was one who wanted to do you physical harm. But while reading a commentary by Scot McKnight and Tremper Longman III I was struck by the notion that my enemy might simply be those whom I hold a sharp disagreement with. And Jesus says I should treat that person as my neighbor; he says I should love them. 

I won't explain exactly how my thoughts were changed, but it had something to do with standing by my beliefs. Christians have several hills that they will stand firm on, or die trying. Some are legitimate places on which conformity is not an option, most are not. 

Mine was not. 

And so, according to the word of Christ, I changed my mind.

Tomorrow's Question: "What are you more comfortable with - routine and planning, or laissez-faire spontaneity?"
