Praying The Scripture
I am leading a class through Dallas Willard's book, Hearing God. In some of the books they assign Lectio Divina exercises. Lectio Divina is simply a way of praying the scripture. For some it is a tedious exercise, and for others it is a huge help. I find myself in the middle of those two extremes. Anyway, I told my class that I would share a method that I find helpful, just in case the traditional method of Lectio Divina isn't helpful to them.
The method that I have adopted comes from Jeanne Guyon's short masterpiece, Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most practical books available for those who want to grow deeper and closer to Jesus.
Here are the steps she suggests for Praying the Scripture:
Turn to the Scripture; choose some passage that is simple and fairly practical.
Next, come to the Lord. Come quietly and humbly. Come by faith. (In this step I usually begin with a small prayer like, "Lord, I come to you today trusting that, because of your Son, Jesus Christ, I have been granted access to your presence. Therefore, as I read and meditate upon your word, please open my heart so that your Word will enter in.")
There, before Him, read a small portion of the passage of Scripture you have opened to. Be careful as you read. Take in fully, gently and carefully what you are reading. Taste it and digest it as you read.
Do not read quickly; you read very slowly. You do not move from one passage to another, not until you have sensed the very heart of what you have read. “Praying the Scripture” is not judged by how much you read but by the way in which you read.
Thank God, and rise to continue your day together.
This method has allowed me to experience union with Christ in very deep, challenging, and profound ways. So, I'm sharing it with you. If it helps – good. If it doesn't, keep searching. The promise is that God will be found by those who seek diligently, not those who use a particular method.
When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me, says the Lord... - God (Jeremiah 29:13-14).
So find a method that helps you seek diligently, and wear it out!