Theology's a verb.

A negative consequence of the Reformation was that faith became mental, rather than trust.  It became a belief in a series of theological truths, rather than a trust in the Son of God.  The Pietist movement addressed this, but sadly we are back to the mental assent stuff.  It has gotten so bad that the word "piety" has a negative connotation; it is not something the Christian strives to become, but something to avoid.  Recently I've been reading some of MLK and Bonhoeffer's work's and its been refreshing to find theologians that were also pious.  Bonhoeffer even grew a disgust for those who simply discussed theology, rather than using it as a way to see the world.  It is clear from MLK's works that his theology formed his view of the world, including his corresponding actions.  They were rare gems!  Perhaps as we seek methods of Church renewal we should remember those who lived their theology and follow-suit.  I want to be a theologian of that mold.  Enough with just thinking about it.
